Wines of the Marches. The best wine companies in Conero
Among the wines of the Marches, the best one is the wine produced with grapes of the Conero. Rosso Conero is famous throughout Italy for its DOC label. Among the most importantwines of the Marches, we must remember those produced by the three wine companies Cantina Oriano Mercante, Tenuta Spinsanti and also the wine company Santa Barbara. These three companies are important for the refined and valued taste of their wine production.
Wines of the Marches: Cantina Oriano Mercante
Oriano Mercante is the name of the owner of the winery. His adventure with the production of wines of the Marche starts a little bit by chance. In fact, he produced wine for family production, and, in particular, only Rosso Conero. In 1999 the owner of a plot of Rosso Conero DOC sold him the plot of land near his home, and so Oriano Mercante began the wine production. In 2003 Cantina Oriano Mercante has been certified for its organic grapes and currently produces Rosso Conero DOC and biological Conero DOCG, two excellent wines from the wines of the Marches.
Wines of the Marches: Tenuta Spinsanti
Tenuta Spinsanti is one of the most important wine companies of Camerano, a town on the slopes of Monte Conero. Founded in 1998, the owners of the company have always produced one of the bestwines of the Marches. The particularity of this company, known in Italy and abroad, is the manual processing of the grape-harvest after the ripening of the grapes and the wine-making for each vineyard.
Wines of the Marches: Santa Barbara wine company
The Santa Barbara wine company is located on the hills of Barbara, a town in the province of Ancona. The owner, Stefano Antonucci, founded this company with the intention to re-evaluate the Verdicchio Castelli di Jesi and Montepulciano. This gives rise to the Santa Barbara wines, some of the most tasty and appreciated wines of the Marches. The wines of this company are also exported. For fans, it is possible to book guided tours and tasting within the company.